Sweet Water Lactation Tea
2/3 tsp fennel seeds 1/2 tsp fennugreek seeds 2 quarts spring water 1. Boil water, adding 1 tsp of the seed mixture, remove from heat, cover and steep 5 minutes or longer. 2. Drink as desired, hot or at room temperature, never cold. 3. Add the strained seeds to soups and vegetables. Baby growth spurts are 10 days, 3 weeks, 5 weeks, 7 weeks, etc. and last 2-3 days so having the lactation tea on hand is important. An important herbal rejuvenative tonic is Shatavari. Mix 1/2 tsp with 2-3 pinches of ginger in 1 C milk or hot water. Shatavari increases milk production, nurtures mucous membranes, nourishes and cleanses blood and the female reproductive system, balances hormones and has a calming, supportive effect while giving strength. Shatavari combined with Ashwagandha supports nerve exhaustion, insomnia, anemia, fatigue. Ashwagandha is regenerative, regenerates the hormonal system, promotes healing of tissues, is nurturing and calming.
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