Vata dosha is the elements of ether and air and lies in the empty spaces in the body and fills up the subtle channels. It has the qualities of cold, dry, light, mobile, rough, subtle. It governs sensory and mental balance. Vata affects the mind, nervous system and entire physical body. Vata is also in nature, in the seasons of fall and early winter, in the foods we eat, in our older years - learn more about this and the other doshas during the Feb 8 Steamboat Springs library lecture.
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Snehana is a warm oil therapy that is applied to the client. Snehana means 'love' and through this nourishing, nurturing, warming therapy the vata dosha is brought back into balance. When I first had a snehana therapy I was in a state of bliss. I felt balanced, calm, centered, and my skin was finally not dry and scaly but radiant and thankful for all the moisture it so desperately needed in our dry climate!
The time for a cleanse is typically best in the spring and fall, when we are changing seasons but now that it is the holiday season and we are all eating a lot of heavy, sugary, fatty foods our bodies will need to be cleansed of the ama we have accumulated so homeostasis and proper assimilation of nutrients can be achieved. The 'after the holidays' cleanse is designed to remove the ama, clear the heaviness & stickiness, bring back clarity and a sense of well-being so we can ride out the rest of the winter season with focus on our goals and dreams.
Whole Healing AyurvedaThe teachings of Ayurveda are as pertinent today as they were thousands of years ago. |